We had the honor of spending the day with an amazing group of young designers who live in the Stamford, CT area. The second annual STEMFEST was a huge hit. Over 2,000 kids came to the event and we're pretty sure every single one stopped by our table to help us create the ultimate Global Village.
Here are some highlights from the day.

The row house, smaller footprint and space efficient.

The school bus with sunroof.

This young lady wanted a round roof.

These young ladies came over after their beautiful performance. We love seeing kids (especially sisters) working so well together.

This young man was working hard to make sure his building had adequate "structural integrity".

This boy worked on his creature for well over 30 minutes. He was initially dismayed when we said that we didn't have ovals. But he quite brilliantly noticed that two bird bodies actually DO indeed make an oval. This kid's definitely a geometry whiz!

And this young lady was so proud of her design that she posed for the photo shoot!

After a pipe cleaner activity at another table, this little cutie decided to mix materials to create house. Future materials engineer, make room for her MIT, she's headed your way.
Now we can even teach them electrical engineering with our new LED light kits, now on kickstarter, check these and other new features out, they will brighten your day.