3DuxUniversity Faculty

Meet the 3DuxUniversity faculty contributors, thought leaders from across the globe who live to engage students with design challenges, lessons and tutorials. Professional designers, architects, scholars, engineers, and environmental stewards have joined the 3DuxUniversity community, sharing their passion and inspiring children to stretch their imagination as they imagine, design, build, and share their visions for a better future.

The 3Dux Founders

Director, 3DuxUniversity

Bridgeport, CT

Product Developer / Engineer, 3DuxDesign

Bridgeport CT

Product Developer / Architect

Washington University in St. Louis 

The 3Dux Fellows

STEAM Learning & Design Consultant

Boston College Masters Program, 

Lynch School of Education

Vice President, Team STEAM 

NYU School of Business Administraion

London School of Economics

Founder and President, Team STEAM

Carnegie Melon

School of Engineering

The 3Dux Faculty and Contributors

Distinguished Superintendent & Leader American Graduates Champion for Children

Academic Consultant, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, U Connecticut

best photography tips for kids teacher

Founder, Edgeucating

Full service Ed-tech Consulting Firm

bob claymier stem educator and 3Duxuniversity contributor

Elementary STEM Consultant

Founder, STEM is Elementary

Artist, Organic Landscape Designer

J.Barney Toad

Advisor to 3DuxDesign

 Former CEO The Henry Ford, 

CEO and  founder, The STEMIE Coalition

Nairobi, Kenya Correspondent, 3DuxDesign

Global Citizen, Diana Award Recipient

CEO and Creator, Janet's Planet

President, Explore Mars 

Founder and Director of Hope School
Mbita, Kenya

Engineer, author, educator

Founder, STEM-Inspires.com

Design Challenge Contributor

Aeronautics Engineer, Hamburg Germany

Educational Content Consultant

Omnis Creative Teaching Pathways

Country Director, Kenya Global Peace Chain

Faculty at Dpt. of Governance, Peace and Security, Africa Nazarene University

 Director, OASE, 

 Education ManagerJames Madison University

Communications and Media, 

Unfold Creative Agency

Advisor to 3DuxDesign, 

Trade Area Marketing Group

best photography tips for kids teacher

Elementary Educator, Photographer

Owner, Mrs. Casella's Classroom

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stem with friends remote playdates

3DuxDesign wants to help keep kids connected. let us host a STEM With Friends Remote Playdate. Send each friend a kit and we will schedule a free design/build activity for you  and 5-10 of your besties  

Contact marci@3duxdesign.com for details

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