Robert Claymier

Elementary STEM consultant , 
International Technology and Engineering Educators Association
Ohio Technology and Engineering Educators Association
Founder, STEM is Elementary

Bob is an elementary STEM specialist with both the Ohio and the International Technology and Engineering Educators Associations and served on the Board of Directors for the ITEEA from 2013-2016.Bob has been a STEM educator over 35 years and a  STEM consultant through his own company, STEM is Elementarysince 2007.  He has led over 90 workshops, seminars and conference sessions and has designed curriculum on integrating STEM into the elementary curriculum for state and national educational groups.

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stem with friends remote playdates

3DuxDesign wants to help keep kids connected. let us host a STEM With Friends Remote Playdate. Send each friend a kit and we will schedule a free design/build activity for you  and 5-10 of your besties  

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