Farmer Duxter's Agriculture Adventures

Build an interactive animal feeding feature for visitors and livestock to enjoy and interact safely.

Combine simple machines like linkages and pulleys to optimize the pumpkin packing plant. .

Make 3Dux Farmstead more sustainable. Design a "human" activated circuit for smart lighting solutions.

Add literacy to extend learning with Leveled STEM texts custom-created by our partners at Starrmatica
- Student guide and templates
- Educator guide and tutorial
- Introductory story
- Leveled STEM text extensions
Our partners at Starrmatica have created a complete set of resources specifically for this project. Integrate ELA and STEM with over 90 pages of engaging picture book activities, original high-interest nonfiction leveled texts, STEM career texts, graphic organizers, writing prompts, and comprehension practice! Six different reading levels are included to make learning science concepts equitable and to save you time when differentiating. These three texts and activities are perfect for reading groups, whole class instruction, seat work, skills assessment, and easy sub-plans!