Machine Maker Supply Set*
Machine Maker Supply Set*Machine Maker Supply Set*Machine Maker Supply Set*Machine Maker Supply Set*Machine Maker Supply Set*Machine Maker Supply Set*Machine Maker Supply Set*Machine Maker Supply Set*
  • each box supplies connectors for up to 25 students

  • Works with all 3DuxDesign challenges, lessons and curriculum or any cardboard-based learning resources

  • Typically ships within 48 hours

  • Safe checkout

  • ages 4+ / choking hazard - small parts

  • Contains

  • 25 pipe cleaners for hinges 
  • 25 pompoms for levers and catapults
  • 50 metal paper fasteners for wedges and linkages
  • 25 straws for pulleys
  • 25  yarn strips (approx 36" each) for pulleys
  • 25 clear bobbins for pulleys
  • zoo animal and assorted challenge cards
  • 50+ google eyes (just for fun)
  • 3DuxDesign exclusive storage case

The Machine-Maker Supply Set is the perfect accessory kit for bringing models to life with simple machines. Everything students need to make linkages, levers, pulleys, inclines, wheels, wedges... you name it! Or let your engineers level up and make complex chain reactions, pure Rube Goldberg! Students use the engineering design process as they figure out how to design, prototype and adjust their models to make them work. Also builds team building, communication and perseverance skills, 

It's a cost-efficient way to get just what you need for a class of 25 students. 

These materials are perfect supplement to the GOBOX kits for the  3DuxDesign Zoo Challenge,Sustainable Farm Projects, and many of our Basic Design Challenges or prototyping any invention or architecture/engineering models your little designers can dream up. The options are endless.

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stem with friends remote playdates

3DuxDesign wants to help keep kids connected. let us host a STEM With Friends Remote Playdate. Send each friend a kit and we will schedule a free design/build activity for you  and 5-10 of your besties  

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